Politics Elections

Milkshaking Is Left Wing Political Violence

Nigel Farage

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was doused with a banana milkshake by a left-wing ‘protester’ last month in Newcastle, England. The perpetrator was later charged with common assault and criminal damage. ‘Milkshaking’ is just the latest in a string of incredibly strange intimidation tactics used by the radical left.

Beginning with the run-up to Britain’s European Parliamentary Elections, the tactic was applauded and even endorsed by members of the mainstream media and the political establishment, but could not phase the will of the people, as Farage’s newly minted Brexit Party won 29 seats in the European Parliament, becoming the largest member of England’s delegation to the EU. What’s more, as anti-Brexit PM Theresa May prepares to leave 10 Downing Street, some have speculated that the Brexit Party may go on to win October’s general election, making Farage Prime Minister.

Milkshaking appears to have its origins from a viral video depicting Danyaal Mahmud, a 23-year-old Muslim, tossing a shake at well-known activist Tommy Robinson, who is now banned from Twitter and Facebook. He claimed to have been ‘offended’ by Tommy Robinson and threw his milkshake on the then-UKIP candidate for EU Parliament after losing an impromptu street debate. Hailed as ‘stunning and brave’ by the left, Mahmud decided to play the ironic victim claiming he lives in fear of Robinson’s supporters after allegedly receiving a string of ‘violent phone calls’ in the incident’s aftermath. See the video below of what happened.



Robinson has been a favored target of the Left, with many in Britain’s mainstream media outlets, and even large corporations like Burger King, celebrating the attack and defending the tactic as a sign of their devotion to the rationalization of the left’s very irrational behavior.

In the CBS News video below you can see the attack on Nigel Farage take place.


According to the video, McDonald’s took a stance not to sell milkshakes anywhere near political events to prevent such violence, but controversially, Burger King took a different stance, although they backtracked it, in a series of Tweets. One stating:

“Dear people of Scotland.

We’re selling milkshakes all weekend.

Have fun.

Love BK #justsaying”

The following Tweet came after much criticism:

“We’d never endorse violence – or wasting our delicious milkshakes!

So enjoy the weekend and please drink responsibly people.”



Of course, it didn’t take long for the American left to follow suit. Vice writer Kim Kelly instructed readers in her May 28th article on ‘how to make the perfect milkshake for throwing at fascists’. Lacing the article with adoring shoutouts to communistic ideology and the notoriously violent left-wing terror cells of AntiFa, Kelly also told readers that throwing milkshakes at those they disagree with was the perfect way to ‘humiliate racists’ and ‘eradicate fascism’ all the while insisting that ‘milkshaking’ is not an act of political violence but rather a way to ‘rob its target of any dignity.’

Almost immediately following the publication of her article, ‘milkshaking’ made its way to the United States, as Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz became the first American to fall victim to the trend after a woman tossed a shake at him while leaving a town hall meeting with voters. Following the incident, the Left and their cohorts in the media celebrated on both sides of the pond. Even GQ Magazine responded, lauding the attack on Gaetz who they described as a ‘notoriously hardcore Trump supporter.’

In the video below by ‘The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder’ the hosts actually laugh, make jokes and condone the practice; unbelievable!


By the left’s standards, were the roles reversed and a left-wing politician found himself soaked in strawberry, milkshake attacks would likely be dubbed an act of terrorism. Academics would debate the virtues of banning milkshakes, and maybe even ice cream altogether.  

Instead, it won’t be surprising if they continue to defend it, as long as it is their side tossing the shakes. Milkshaking is an act of political violence, and it should be taken seriously by anyone who values Western Civilization’s great traditions of peaceful political discourse.

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