2nd AmendmentPolicyUnited States

Cory Booker Pounces on Tragedy, Links Gun Ownership to White Supremacy

Following back to back mass shootings, the left has once again seized upon senseless tragedy in hopes of cheap political gain. While a media blackout on the far-left exists on the political leanings and potential motives of the Dayton, Ohio shooter appears to be in effect, the apparent Democrat-Media Complex has pounced on the tragedy in El Paso.

Taking cues from those in power, left-wing Twitter users got the hashtag ‘#whitenationalistterrorism’ trending on Twitter over the weekend, linking each and every mass shooting perpetrated by a white male to the straw man built up to represent anyone who disagrees.

It would appear that as the fight for 2020 begins to heat up, many on the left have decided to bring their arguments surrounding race and gun control full circle, and call for a ban on gun ownership under the guise of combatting white supremacy. New Jersey Senator and Democrat presidential candidate Cory Booker is one of them.

Calling the President ‘weak and wrong’ for not taking enough action to curtail our 2nd Amendment rights, Booker, a longtime proponent of gun confiscation with a reputation as a professional race hustler, took to Twitter this morning to join in on the left’s renewed outrage surrounding firearms.

Poopooing concerns of mass mental illness, fatherless households, and moral decay, Booker echoed the sentiments of the left’s most radical foot soldiers as he attempted to directly link gun ownership to violent white supremacism. ‘Guns are a tool that white supremacists use to fulfill their hate’ the Senator said, truly tossing the baby out with the bathwater as he linked millions of law-abiding American citizens to the perpetrators of domestic terrorism and race-based violence.


While keeping with the Democrat trend of never letting a tragedy go to waste, Booker also toed the line when it came to not allowing facts to get in the way of an argument. In another tweet, Booker flat out lied while attempting to link President Trump to the El Paso shooting, claiming that the president ‘refuses to condemn Neo-Nazis and white supremacists’ and ‘is giving license to this kind of violence.’ ‘He’s responsible’ (for the El Paso shooting), Booker added.


Of course, Booker’s claims could be nothing further from the truth, as the president has denounced hatred, violence, and extremism — regardless of from where it emanates — repeatedly.

In fact, as Booker took to the airwaves to grandstand, attacking law-abiding gun owners nationwide, the president took to them to address a shocked public. Condemning white supremacy and all types of political violence, the president spoke in unequivocal terms while highlighting the need to address both mental illness and societal issues, and called for the swift execution of mass shooters and perpetrators of deadly hate crimes.