Politics Elections

Charlottesville Mayor: “Thomas Jefferson Burns in Hell”

In a July 9th Facebook post, Charlottesville, Virginia’s Democrat Mayor, Nikuya Walker, blasted founding father and hometown hero, President Thomas Jefferson. Walker’s post comes just a week after the Charlottesville City Council commemorated our nation’s birth by spitting in the face of Jefferson’s legacy, voting to strike his birthday from the city’s holiday calendar on July 3rd, just one day before the nation celebrated its independence from England, brought about in no small part by Jefferson himself. 


Picture links to the original post.

In her post, Walker attacked those she viewed as being ‘scorned’ by her attacks on Jefferson, and claimed that removing the date is ‘not sanitizing history’, but that Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia (located in Charlottesville), is ‘still able to celebrate his birthday in hell.’ Walker then launched a poorly written tirade of typical left-wing race-based attacks against whites and America as a whole, complaining that ‘whiteness took up space in nearly every TV channel’, and asking her followers if they had begun their own research on the ‘vastness of African and (Black American) excellence’. 

For Mayor Walker, it is the second time in as many months that she has taken to Facebook to attack her fellow Americans for the ‘crime of being born white’. As reported by Politics Elections, Mayor Walker previously took to Facebook to attack Lloyd Snook, a regular at Council meetings, former chair of the Charlottesville Democratic Party, and himself a candidate for City Council, who had dared disagree with her. ‘You are exactly what is not needed on Council’, said Walker. ‘White men like you will always be dangerous.’ 

Some in the left-wing media have labeled Walker as a hero and gone as far to claim she is ‘tackling racism’ as shown in the video below.


Over the last 3 years, as Walker’s ideological clique has destroyed both private and public property, carried out physical assaults on their opponents, and shrouded monuments to Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in black tarps, many warned of their demands soon going a step further and erasing our nation’s founders from the history books. They were told they were crazy, that it would never happen. That they just needed to give in, let them tear down the statues, and America’s original sin of slavery would be forgiven. Of course, they lied. It was never about statutes and it was never about the old Confederacy.

For Mayor Walker and the rest of the hard left, it has always been about rewriting history through the creeping forces of cultural Marxism, while using race as a wedge to sow hatred and division. Though disheartening and disgusting to see such behavior coming from the Mayor’s office, no one should be surprised considering Walker’s campaign was run under the tri-color flag of the New Black Panther Party. Walker’s administration holds true to the old saying ‘you get what you vote for’.

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