
FBI Clears Kavanaugh-Vote Expected Within Days

As new doubt is cast over California based professor Christine Blasey-Ford’s account of an alleged 1980s sexual assault carried out by Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s newest pick for the nation’s highest court, the FBI has announced their completion of an investigation into the matter, pushed by Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, and a number of leading Democrats. Late last night, the FBI’s report was handed over to the White House and US Senate, and as a result, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell intends to hold a test vote Friday, and if all goes according to plan, a final confirmation vote as early as this weekend, keeping good on his party’s promise to confirm Judge Kavanaugh before November’s midterm elections.

The news comes exactly one week after both Blasey-Ford and Kavanaugh sat before the Senate Judiciary Committee answering questions from sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell on behalf of the GOP, as well as members of the bipartisan committee. During questioning of Blasey-Ford, a number of holes were poked through her story, and as time has dragged on, more inconsistencies have become known to both the Senate and the general public. Perhaps most notably, Blasey-Ford claimed under oath that she had initially denied the committee’s invitation to Washington based on a fear of flying, an assertion that was quickly proven false as she admitted to flying all over the world in pursuit of both her work and hobbies. As Democrat committee members fawned over Blasey-Ford’s account of sexual assault, she was unable to pinpoint the year the alleged assault took place, and appeared to have forgotten a number of other details important to the case. Additionally, as reported by Chadwick Moore of, Blasey-Ford may have committed an act of perjury only moments after she took the stand when she identified herself to the Judiciary Committee as a ‘psychologist,’ despite records indicating her claim as a false statement under California law.

Blasey-Ford’s testimony was further contradicted earlier this week when a statement made by an ex-boyfriend indicated she had outright lied before the Senate when asked whether or not she had ever helped someone prepare for a polygraph test. According to her former boyfriend, whose name has not been made public, Blasey-Ford went to ‘great lengths’ preparing a friend, Monica Mclean, who was interviewing for jobs with the FBI and United States Attorney’s Office, for potential polygraph tests. The man, who dated Blasey-Ford from 1992-1998, also stated that Blasey-Ford had never indicated a fear a flying or of close quarters (Blasey-Ford told the Senate that she suffered from severe claustrophobia as a result of the alleged sexual assault), or that she had been sexually assaulted at any point in her life.

As expected, the FBI’s investigation appears to yield nothing to back up Blasey-Ford’s claims of sexual assault. The investigation produced a grand total of zero witnesses and no new evidence able to corroborate Blasey-Ford’s story, a problem which has plagued the investigation from the very beginning, and as opposed to causing a mass exodus of Kavanaugh’s supporters in the Senate as Feinstein and company had so hoped for, the investigation has solidified support among Republicans previously said to be undecided, and maybe even a few Democrats. For many, this come as no surprise, as conservative politicians, pundits, and voters alike saw the potential for Democrat trickery from a mile away before President Trump had even announced a nominee. These suspicions were only heightened as hundreds of left-wing protesters poured into the streets with pre-made signs and banners demanding Kavanaugh be stopped at all costs only moments after his nomination was announced, and were confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt following Senator Dianne Feinstein’s timely disclosure of Christine Blasey-Ford’s accusations, and a number of attacks on Republican Senators on and around Capitol Hill.

On, a New Zealand-based online market allowing users to bet on politics by purchasing shares in favor of or against legislation and candidates, bets in favor of Kavanaugh are now beginning at 79 cents, while bets against his confirmation are only fetching 21 cents on the dollar. In other words, Kavanaugh is ahead in a virtual money poll 79-21. PredictIt also has Senator Susan Collins of Maine and Jeff Flake of Arizona, two Republicans seen as very unreliable to the Trump Administration, trading at 84 cents in favor of Kavanaugh, and Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska trading at 62 cents. Additionally, the vote of Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a deep red state where President Trump received 68.5% of the vote in 2016, has risen to 73 cents in favor of Judge Kavanaugh. Manchin, a Democrat with a strong independent streak, looks to be on the verge of crossing party lines once again, and will without a doubt the only Democrat to do so. 

Despite the most valiant (and violent) efforts of Democrats and their media apparatus, it appears Judge Kavanaugh WILL be confirmed, and soon.