In today’s modern world, you are more than likely all too familiar with the ever increasing push to normalize the transgender lifestyle. While bigotry and hatred for anyone in any form should be condemned no matter what, it is fair to take a look at things respectfully and from a scientific perspective to see the effect on society this movement is having.
It is also an interesting take when you compare the current narrative being pushed by Hollywood and modern pop culture, including some “experts” such as “Bill Nye The Science Guy” (not actually a scientist) and actual biological data.
First of all, biologically speaking, gender is binary. This is something that is determined by the development of the gonads at between 6 to 9 weeks after conception (atypical combination account for around .003%). Gender Identity Dysphoria (Transgendered) is persistent identification with the opposite sex and persistent discomfort (dysphoria) with their own sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex. This is a psychological condition and not a chromosomal issue. Many children at some point identify with the opposite sex in some way, 80 to 95 percent of these children mature out of this between puberty and adulthood.
So why is there a roadmap to transition children laid out by the University of California, San Francisco, with Gender Identity Dysphoria? The only disclaimer in the roadmap for transitioning those under 18, is that the child will generally first work with a behavioral health provider or child & adolescent gender program to explore identity and process.
Jack is a transgender boy who was born ‘Sophia.’ He came out as trans at 11 years old after his parents allowed him to cut off his long hair and start wearing boys’ clothing.
Photo credit: NBC Bay Area
This 6th grader was given an implant to stop his female hormones from letting him grow breasts. The year before the procedure he was she. Most pediatric doctors, as well as many endocrinologists, do not abdicate for physical or hormonal changes for children as the message from medical professionals is that they do not know what the side effects of this will all be in the future.
This is even stated by medical professionals who do help children pursue hormonal and physical changes. Many who go through sex changes often have regrets for changing physically, and there are many groups out there questioning why there are so many transgenders.
Could it be the societal push that is causing the alarming rate of people, especially children, to make this extreme physical life change?
Some differing States have taken opposite paths in this debate. Oregon and Washington have a curriculum full of LGBT while some other states teachers are prohibited by law from speaking positively about relationships that are not heterosexual. There are some who have done open-minded research to try to identify where the spike is coming from.
This surge in transgender culture may be a poor coping mechanism for some as there has been a surge in rapid onset gender dysphoria in teenage girls, and it is comparable to the eating disorder, anorexia. Brown University professor Lisa Littman did a study on 256 parents of children who identify as transgender after a gender dysphoria free childhood. Many parents say that there was a surge in social media usage right before their children declared that they were “transgender”. Because the research didn’t fit the agenda, Brown University pulled the press release for this study as they labeled it Transphobic.
Professor Litman lost a consulting job as a result of the paper but is resolute in studying rapid onset gender dysphoria and in an interview said “It’s part of a larger issue surrounding the study of gender dysphoria where, if the research findings or opinions are not consistent with a very specific gender narrative, there are efforts to shut down the discussion.” The University is still trying to smooth things over with advocates who were offended by the findings of her research. Neglecting these mental health issues has consequences.
The younger of the shooters in the May 7th attack at a Highlands Ranch STEM school goes by the name Alec(Maya) is a biological female but identifies as a male and is the process of transitioning. The child’s lawyer asked the court to use the pronoun “he” when referring to Alec(Maya). On the other shooter’s Instagram, a comment was left: “They’re both struggling with mental health issues and this is a time for awareness.”
One might even go so far to question the public health factors of having so many people in our society with this type of confusion and mental stability. based on the aforementioned recent school shooting involving the two liberal students.
Ironically, the main concern of the transgender teen shooter’s parents in court was whether or not his proper pronoun is used, above the fact that their CHILD just shot up a school!
An interesting example of culture pushing the narrative itself is an event with activists for Gender Dysphoria reading “I am Jazz” to a class of Kindergartners in Virginia. The teacher in the class is an openly gay man who stocks books in his classroom such as “Heather Has Two Mommies” and “My Princess Boy.” This is all done in promoting inclusion of LGBT.
Beyond the highly charged topic of transgender children are other examples of societal disarray that this movement can cause, regardless of whether or not one holds contempt or “hate” for the people themselves. In 2018 a women’s Connecticut state track and field competition were held and there was two transgender (formerly men) women in the race. Guess who came in first and second place? You guessed it, the two transgenders.
From the article linked above, see quote from an official representing the tournament:
This wasn’t the first time these two transgender women competed in track and field events. Last year, Andraya Yearwood took home first place for the Class M sprint titles.
This was Terry Miller’s first time competing in the girl’s competition. During the winter season, he competed on the boy’s team.
The girls who worked hard for years to place are now unable to go to the New England championships.
CIAC executive director Karissa Niehoff was asked about the girls getting bumped out and said, “We do feel for them. Fully agree it doesn’t feel good. The optic isn’t good. But we really do have to look at the bigger issues that speak to civil rights and the fact this is high school sports.”
In reading the above quote, one might get a sense that Karissa Niehoff is saddened by the state of affairs but has to issue a politically correct answer as to not offend anyone.
Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood. Image Source: YouTube Screenshot.
UFC’s Joe Rogan had some VERY strong words in this article regarding a female MMA fighter who used to be a male. Politics Elections does not condone the language used in the article and we are simply using it to highly the division being caused within culture today. It is up to the reader to decide in the end what they think of these situations.
The formerly male MMA fighter Fallon Fox has actually crushed the skull of one of her opponents in one situation, which should be concerning to sports fans everywhere.
Fighter Ashlee Evans-Smith feels Fallon Fox should not be fighting in the women’s league.
In the instance shown here, a teen daughter’s parents disagreed with her transgender treatments, and the parents actually ended up losing custody of their own child for their stance on the issue. This is unfortunate no matter where you stand on the issue itself.
Another example of the cultural narrative push is one of an Oregon child whose second-grade teacher tried to convince him that he was actually a girl, leaving the child extremely confused and possibly traumatized. The parents of the child are suing the school for nearly 1 Million dollars. Local Fox affiliate news channel KPTV interviewed the child’s parents:
“He feels different now, he feels confused,” the mother told the station, which didn’t reveal her identity or the father’s identity. “To hear your son say that … on a couch talking to a therapist, holding back tears — it’s very heartbreaking.”
While consensual adults in the USA have or should have the liberty to do almost anything they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, pushing controversial agendas on children who haven’t matured enough to have their own perspective on life yet seems unfair, and one has to question the reasoning of this move, as it certainly goes above and beyond simply teaching our children to be peaceful, and not hate others for how they are.