On this day following the evening of President Trump’s Address to the nation regarding the need for a southern border wall or “barrier” and more border security, it’s a good time to ponder some of the things that have led us to this point. The very short and to the point, yet elegantly put speech can be seen below. The President has challenged Congress to once and for all provide the money needed to build a wall or barrier at the southern border.
Taking it a few steps back for a moment now; there was a time in US history when we didn’t have many if any strict immigration policies because we weren’t a very developed nation. Another reason for that is because the world did not face many of the same types of issues that it faces today.
Immigration policy mainly began with Calvin Coolidge’s Immigration Act of 1924. Over the years our nation has been through many different phases and issues since then as we began to get more populated and diverse. Ronald Reagan lobbied against illegal immigration in the 1980s as many US Presidents in recent history have, only to sign a compromise bill that actually gave amnesty to millions of people here unlawfully.
A couple points to note in the above clip of President Reagan announcing his Immigration reform efforts, Chuck Schumer was credited as one of the key people to have helped in the passage of this bill, while the VERY SAME Chuck Schumer is the #1 proponent standing in the way of new and more modern solutions to 2019 and beyond illegal immigration problems. Reagan also alluded to the fact that the problem has to do with countries all over the globe therefore, without actually saying it, implying that the southern border with Mexico is not a major part of the issue.
President Reagan was a great Republican President on much of the economy and many other issues and at the time he, and probably Chuck Schumer as well, thought they were doing what’s best for the country. It’s amazing though, and I wonder if President Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw the complete 180 the Democrats and Chuck Schumer have taken in bi partisan efforts to protect our national sovereignty. See video below.
President Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, Senator Chuck Schumer, Former First Lady and Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton, have all railed against illegal immigration in the past. But for some reason, as Republicans started waking up and deciding they want to do more about these problems, the Democrats have COMPLETELY flip-flopped on this issue. Could it be that more illegal immigration eventually leads to more Democrat votes? Could it be that they are uninformed of the fact that according to FAIR, illegal immigration costs taxpayers 134.9 Billion dollars a year? I doubt that. Nobody knows for sure why the change of heart but it sure seems to be hypocritical at best.
In 2016 though, Hillary Clinton did not win the Presidency. Donald J Trump did, and he campaigned on building a secure border wall for the US Mexico southern border. A border wall or tall steel barrier is the bedrock of reducing much of the problems we face today due to an open southern border that leaks like a sieve. People have been sounding the alarm for some time now, including private resident Donald J Trump in the past, as well as this great man (Tom Tancredo) who campaigned for President in 2008.
Many Democrats claim that illegal immigrant crime rates are no worse than that of legal immigrants or citizens. My personal thoughts on this are that the statistics are derived from all people here illegally, not just the people who physically cross the Mexican US border illegally. That being the case, no amount of crime, especially violent crime, murder or rape is an acceptable percentage for people who should have NEVER been here. Some fair statistics for US citizens affected by illegal alien crime is
The Remembrance Project has worked alongside the Trump Administration and
I was able to converse with an 8-year anchor member of The Remembrance Project, Ray Tranchant, who’s daughter Tessa Tranchant was killed along with Allison Kunhardt, just teenagers at the time, by a drunk driver and Illegal immigrant. The illegal, Alfredo Ramos, had been charged previously with THREE prior criminal convictions involving alcohol. This also highlights another issue with the Democrat statistics on violent illegal alien crime as this was a manslaughter case, and those types of cases are omitted from the statistics they use for their leftist propaganda.
Ray, an Immigration Reform Activist (Rule of Law), provided me with some statistics to share.
Fact 1: The prison population in Illinois is comprised of, in part, 7200 illegal aliens that are currently in prison out of the total population of 45,000. There are 250,000 illegal aliens in the Sanctuary City of Chicago, which has a total population of about 5 million, so for citizens vs. illegals – the prison population FAR exceeds the national average! (AVIAC used the Freedom Of Information Act to get the numbers on the Department of Corrections in Illinois).
Fact 2: Ray met with former ICE Director Thomas Homan in August of 2018. His data showed that in 2017, there were 2882 victims from the hands of illegal aliens. The categories were murder, malicious wounding, rape, child molestation, and human trafficking – all significant life-changing moments for Americans in our criminal justice system. That comes to 7.9 victims a day! We didn’t have that much carnage during our Middle East Wars! He asked him why he only is reporting data from 2017. He said that President Trump is the only President since 9/11 to make it a mandate for ICE to gather this data! The other administrations DID NOT THINK IT WAS IMPORTANT – in other words, like ‘Chuck and Nancy’, they were also in denial!
Ray Tranchant – The Remembrance Project
The Left wants to sell the story about crime data as a tool to assure the American people they are NOT in danger with open borders. I have about 100 friends or so that have lost loved ones by the hands of illegal aliens, and many are extremely gruesome deaths! I know of thousands more who I have not met personally, as of yet. If you could choose, which family member would you pick to be the next? The randomness of this threat ismind boggling ! The numbers of victims are steady from year to year, so which family member would Americans choose to be the next 2882 people in 2019?
Border walls do work. Democrats, specifically Nancy Pelosi, say that “an expensive and ineffective wall is immoral” as per the ‘rebuttal speech’ given last night. Not according to the facts regarding the wall in Yuma Arizona. That wall has been shown to be 90% effective in stopping illegal crossings there. Besides that Nancy, is it immoral, or ineffective? I don’t logically see how it could be both as, if it doesn’t work and she thinks the concept is immoral, then in theory, it can’t be immoral. And if her opinion truly is that it is immoral, she must be afraid that it actually is effective. But what is her real fear? That the wall will work, pay for itself many times over, and lose the Democrats votes from people who vote for a living, instead of work for a living?