Representative of Pennsylvania’s 182nd district and Democrat Brian Sims has gone dark. After making headlines last week, his Twitter is now protected and the only things that show are his bio, location, and website. This is a stunning fall from grace for a congressman who felt it was his civic duty to intimidate praying believers in front of his local Planned Parenthood.
Two out of the three things that he still has listed seem controversial at this point. Maybe he’ll shut the whole thing down soon enough or perhaps Twitter will enforce their rules in a fair manner and suspend his profile as they have many others.
His bio reads, ‘LBGTQ activist, State Representative, civil rights attorney, College Football Captain, Bearded, #RuPaulsDragRace fanatic, #LittleMermaidenthusiast’.

It’s interesting that he chooses to describe himself as an activist before being a state representative. It is clear that his activism is what has led to this situation, and one may wonder what his college football team is thinking of the controversial actions of someone who was their team captain.
Sims’ site links to a YouTube video from the Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus titled ‘Sims: PA doesn’t protect LGBT citizens’. In the video, he again shows how he appears to be an activist over a representative of all Pennsylvanians.
His location listed, Philadelphia, PA, is not controversial, however, he could have gone with Gayborhood. In that October 4th, 2018 article, he is described as a ‘Gayborhood’ lawmaker with a “mouth like a truck driver”, who has taken ‘an aggressive approach to his progressive agenda’. Those words sound prophetic now.
He rails against the Catholic Church in the article, “It’s the largest and strongest lobbying group against equality in all of Pennsylvania,” Sims explained. “They spend millions making sure that priests who have admitted to or been convicted of molesting kids that nothing is going to happen to them.” He also goes after the second amendment. “I don’t believe we should have guns. I think the utility of guns in modern America is far outweighed by the cost of guns,” he explained.

In a conference room across from his office is a cutout of the face of Sims’ self-described “nemesis,” State Representative Daryl Metcalfe, hanging over a board with some of his office’s legislative goals.
Tim Fitzsimons/NBC
We can only speculate that this Twitter blackout means that Sims is turning over a new leaf for now and keeping a low profile in the future. Perhaps he will remember that he is an elected representative and reevaluate some of his recent decisions.