Politics Elections

Since Trump Already Won 2020, Let’s Make 2024 Predictions

Ron DeSantis Trump

Ron DeSantis Trump

Why Trump Will Win 2020

Let’s face it. President Trump is in a strong position. He has already raised $30 million dollars this past quarter, more than the next two Democrat candidates combined. To add insult to injury, the Democrats have to spend their money against each other, while President Trump keeps storing his war chest.

President Trump is also an incumbent, can raise money anytime he wants more, has 100% name ID, and can summon the press to talk about him any time he wants with a few tweets.

Next, the Mueller report was a big nothing-burger, completely underwhelming the narrative pushed by the Democrats and media since the election. They will continue to browbeat the Mueller report through Passover/Resurrection Day weekend and will talk about it all throughout 2019, which will only further hurt their credibility.

Now that the investigation is over, all of the new information will most likely point to the Democrats and their attempted coup of President Trump.

With solid blue states like New Mexico, Delaware, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington turning their states electors over to the popular vote, the Democrats are placing solid blue states in play for Trump. George W Bush won the popular vote during his reelection campaign, so did Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan. The only time a President in recent memory did not win the popular vote and expand their voter base was George HW Bush, mainly due to his flip-flopping on his tax pledge – but he also lost the electoral college.

President Trump can summon a rally at any time to win over a state. He is going on offense in New Hampshire, Minnesota, Colorado and even New Mexico, with nothing but time and money to connect with voters in those states while the Dems spend precious time and resources in states that won’t decide the presidency come November 2020. President Trump could lose Pennsylvania and still win the presidency. He could lose two states he lost last time, and just needs to pick up one more or win the popular vote and he has it in the bag.

The stock market is sky high. Jobs are through the roof. Unemployment is lowest since the 1960s. All President Trump has to do now is arrest Hillary Clinton and get Mexico’s President to write him a check for the wall and he will have fulfilled almost every campaign promise he gave. And of course, he needs to stop the gun control legislation currently being pushed by Marco Rubio (Red Flag Gun Control), which would severely undermine President Trump’s base and keep people home like they did for Mitt Romney.

The Democrats are running on socialism, anti-semitism, and Russia. Very uninspiring and will cause them to lose, period end of story.

Top Republican 2024 Candidates

So most people think President Trump is in a strong position and is going to win this one. What does all of this mean for 2024?

Donald Trump, Jr. is rumored to be among those looking to run. His major liability is that he has not held elected office or done things outside the shadow of his father. He truly is “Donald Trump, Jr.” He is thought to be the most conservative of the Trump children, so if he runs and wins it will most likely be a good thing. Not likely to be president.

Vice President Mike Pence is an obvious name to be mentioned. He has been a faithful champion of the Trump agenda. However, he did often meddle in primaries and did robocalls for incumbent moderates, like Barbara Comstock and Scott Taylor among others, to help them protect their seats against conservative challengers. He is seen as a more moderate choice, and if President Trump endorses him, he is a shoe in. But this would be a grave mistake and would undermine the Trump legacy. The swamp will swoop back in, and we will go back to the Bush era of globalism and capitulation to the banking and corporate influence.

Next, we have Ron DeSantis, Florida’s governor who has sky-high approval ratings. He brings with him the support of the State of Florida, and a strong conservative record. If Ron DeSantis keeps his conservative record intact, he very well could win. A major liability for Ron DeSantis is also his close friendship with Matt Gaetz, who recently came out in support for Florida’s LGTBQ legislation that would force daycare centers, churches, and schools to allow transgender workers.

Then there is Matt Bevin, who has done a great job for Kentucky as their governor. He has a strong conservative record but is also known for his endorsement of Ed Gillespie in the Virginia gubernatorial primary. Bevin is definitely a contender for the conservative vote.

Brian Kemp, governor of Georgia is also a contender. He is doing a great job, but may need to fight more on the national scene and up his social media presence. He will need to step up his level of conservative effort to compete with Ron DeSantis and Matt Bevin.

Of course, there is Mitt Romney, who recently became a senator from Utah. He wrote an OPED at the first of the year attacking President Trump and was subsequently squashed like a bug by his own family member. Mitt is kidding himself if he ever thinks conservatives or the Trump family would ever let him anywhere near the White House.

There is also Ted Cruz, who recently grew a beard and Rand Paul, who recently publicly railed against President Trump’s executive order to build the wall.

Top Democrat 2024 Candidates

On the Democrat side, we have Pete Buttigieg who is not going to win this time around but is definitely making a splash. He does not have the infrastructure to pull it off this time, especially with Bernie Sanders sucking a lot of the oxygen out of the room among the socialists.

Democrats also have Beto O’Rourke, who also most likely will not be the Democrat nominee this cycle. He is a rising star in the Democrat party and if he wins a few states or becomes the VP nominee he will have a shot. He also may drop out of the Presidential race and run against John Cornyn. If he does that, he will lose badly to Cornyn in a deep red state that Trump will turnout and Cornyn will ride the coat tails.

Democrats also have losers Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum. They need to win something first, and then try again.

If Republicans play their cards right, they can have Trump for one more term, and DeSantis or Bevin for 2 more after that. But that requires everyone to stay true to their base and not make career-ending mistakes that can be used in commercials in Iowa during the GOP primary.

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