Politics Elections

Trump Moves to Cancel Major Immigration Loophole, Flores Settlement Agreement

In a back and forth with former ICE Director Tom Homan and Congressman Jim Jordan (R) from a house oversight immigration hearing, Homan lays out what he thinks can help fix immigration.

One of the major points he laid out was:

“If we would change the Flores Settlement Agreement so we can actually detain families and families sitting long enough to see a judge to plead their case”

According to reports today, Trump is planning on doing exactly that.

The Flores Settlement agreement, seen as a major loophole by many to allow illegal immigrants to get into the U.S. Flores Settlement agreement was originally to help with unaccompanied minors but then was changed to allow ‘accompanied minors’. It eventually was changed to say that any child or parent who shows up with their child at the southern U.S. Mexico border is going to get into the U.S. within three weeks.


Trump moves to cancel illegal immigrant family loophole

This is what today’s headline from The Washington Times reads. It goes on to say:

President Trump will move Wednesday to cancel the family “loophole” that’s allowed illegal-immigrant parents and children to pour into the U.S., proposing new rules that would replace the 2015 Flores Settlement court order that created a de facto catch-and-release policy for the families.

According to details provided by an administration official, migrant families could be held in detention together while their cases are heard by immigration judges. That would supersede the 20-day limit imposed by the federal judge in Flores.

If the families can be held in detention, they can be deported, security experts say, and once people in Central America see an increase in deportations, they’ll stop coming.

Border crossings have been dropping in recent months, in addition to drops in reports of Central American caravans marching their way through Mexico to get to the U.S. This comes as The Trump administration has put much pressure on Mexico to do their part to stem the tide of what was beginning to be seen as a major crisis at the U.S. Mexico Southern border.

Today’s news will further strengthen the successes that are being seen, as many old walls are being rebuilt with newer, stronger, taller walls, and some new walls are going up as well. We Build The Wall Inc., a private organization, has played a major role in the new sections of the wall that have been going up so far.

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