Politics Elections

VIDEO: Embattled Democrat Governor Ralph Northam Refused to Shake Hands with African American Opponent Bishop EW Jackson

EW Jackson tries to shake hands with Ralph Northam. Image Source: YouTube and Politics Elections

Photo Credit: YouTube Screen Capture and Politics Elections.

Earlier this evening Politics Election wrote a story on Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph after scandalous pictures were found of him from 1984 dressed in blackface, standing next to a person in a KKK costume. This came days after the Democrat Governor was accused of promoting infanticide.

these are dark days for the Governor of Virginia, as even MORE bad news is being unearthed. Politics Elections was just notified of a video from a 2013 debate where Ralph Northam was debating Bishop EW Jackson in the race to become Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. Read more about that election here.

A Republican activist, Steven Thomas, who was in attendance at this debate had this to say about the occurrence:

“EW approached him like he always does and offered to shake Northam’s hand. Northam looked and haughtily looked down again. EW tried to shake his hand again a 2nd time, Northam again flatly refused to shake a black man’s hand. He had some nerve calling Ed Gillespie a racist. I hope Northam resigns.”
– Steve Thomas, EW Jackson’s Finance Director

EW Jackson commented on the developments today on his Facebook page:

The African American Bishop tried to shake Northam’s hand after the debate, even nudged him to make sure it wasn’t an oversight on Northam’s part. You have to see what happens next with your own eyes to believe it!

ANOTHER STORY HAS JUST BEEN BROKEN BY POLITICS ELECTIONS: Ralph Northam who grew up as a resident in the small town of Onancock, Virginia, used to have a nickname of “Coonman” with photos to boot, read here!

One can only wonder what will be unearthed next? Is it time for the radical leftist Governor Northam to consider tendering his resignation? The Democrat party is supposed to be the party of love and tolerance so I just don’t see how this can be swept under the political rug.

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