PolicyPOTUSSocial Media Bias

Here’s President Trump’s Strong Take on Recent Social Media Censorship

As news media around the country gleefully report on the news of Facebook and Twitter banning conservative media personalities yesterday along with Louis Farrakhan, President Trump took to the platforms to hit back today.  He did so in a series of three posts, first sharing them on Twitter and then on Facebook.


This is the type of leadership that got him elected to the post in the first place.  Americans are sick and tired of the political correctness and censorship that has been going on with these social media platforms.

He followed that up with a tweet defending well known conservative activists Diamond and Silk, who were previously banned by Facebook.


He then referenced Paul Joseph Watson and James Woods who were banned by Facebook and Twitter respectively.  He referred to the two as “Conservative thinkers” which is definitely a sign of respect for them.

Watson has built a very large following and although he is with the Infowars brand, he has his own show, style, etc. and he breaks many stories that might otherwise be ignored or remain undiscovered.

James Woods is an actor who has many counterparts on the left that have said things that could be deemed worse by many but their accounts remain active with no repercussions.


The message should be clear at this point, social media, stop denying citizens of their first amendment rights.  Just because they are private companies, at some point, these forums become like the town square.

Whether you are on the right or the left, you should not want to see speech limited to this extent for reasons that remain unclear.  If these sites want to get rid of politics altogether, then so be it, otherwise they should keep the forums open for all discussions.