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NYT Confirms Joe Biden’s Son Paid by Ukraine While VP


Yesterday The New York Times broke a story reporting that former Vice President and current Democrat candidate for President of the United States, Joe Biden, has a new problem on his hands, shortly after his fumbled and delayed Presidential bid announcement. Biden, who played a role while Vice President in 2016 as a strong proponent against political corruption in Ukraine is now grappling with information relating to his son, Hunter Biden.

So what you need to know here are a couple of different items. First of all, Joe Biden’s “anti-corruption” role that he was playing specifically, included a threat to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from the United States, according to the New York Times. This was to pressure Ukranian leaders to dismiss the Nation’s top prosecutor for allegedly tolerating and condoning corruption among political elites. 

His campaign was successful, and the target was ultimately voted out of his position. On the surface, this sounds like a win for now Presidential candidate Biden, the country of Ukraine, and The United States as perceived on the global stage.

Enter Biden’s son Hunter. Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy Reserve as a public affairs officer in Virginia, less than two years prior, for testing positive for Cocaine in a drug test. Shortly thereafter, and during the same time period that Joe Biden was busy politicking in Ukraine, Hunter became a board member of a Ukranian energy company. This company stood to benefit from the now former prosecutor general being fired, thanks to “Dad’s” hard diplomatic efforts. 

Joe Biden speaks in 2015 to the Brookings Institute on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict. Image Source: YouTube

The name of the company Hunter Biden was affiliated with is Burisma Holdings. Oddly, Hunter Biden, although having an extensive resume’ back in the states, along with a Yale education, was fresh off his Navy Reserve discharge and had no clear connections or experience in dealing with Ukrainian corporations or politics. The company even paid him as much as $50,000 a month some months for his “efforts” as a board member.

An article today by Breitbart further touches on this story and highlights that the threat made by Joe Biden to withhold U.S. loan guarantees, had it gone south, could have caused the entire nation to become insolvent at a time when Ukraine was struggling to manage threats from Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Many of these details have been known about for some time according to the original New York Times Piece cited above. But new details are emerging, as the now current prosecutor general of Ukraine has reversed the decision to spike an investigation into Burisma, which destroys the favorable outcome that they had previously received. These details appear to offer evidence that Hunter Biden was directly involved, with the help of other well connected Democrats, in the effort to curtail the original investigation.

These new details could haunt Joe Biden’s third bid for the top seat in the land as implications of a conflict of interest between him and his son are now being made. Hunter, who left the firm last month, has denied any involvement and seems adamant that any apparent connections between his father’s dealings and his dealings on the board of Burisma are merely coincidental.

“I have had no role whatsoever in relation to any investigation of Burisma, or any of its officers,” Hunter Biden said Wednesday in a statement. “I explicitly limited my role to focus on corporate governance best practices to facilitate Burisma’s desire to expand globally.”

President Trump and his allies will likely seize on these allegations and insinuations as the 2020 Presidential campaign revs up. The stakes are high, as Joe Biden is now currently at the top of the declared Democrat candidate ticket. See the article here by The Hill for additional details on this as well as how detrimental a failed anti-corruption campaign in 2016 by Joe Biden would have been, had things gone differently.