
A Florida University Caught Buying Aborted Body Parts

Buying Aborted Body Parts

Amidst an ongoing controversy where the red state of Florida is not moving as strongly to push for measures to curb abortion as 9 other red states have recently, Politics Elections was sent a 2017 report outlining even more abortion problems for Florida.

The Select Investigative Panel of the Energy and Commerce Committee report highlighted 27 universities in the United States who purchased body parts from aborted fetuses for experimentation with fetal tissue.

Among those listed is the University of Miami, located in Miami, Florida.

Recently on a national scale, President Trump has gotten involved in trying to hamper these actions.

‘The Trump administration has heard the concerns of pro-life organizations and pro-life Americans upset by the news that the FDA and NIH had purchased the body parts of aborted babies for research and this is the second time a federal contract has been scrubbed.

Details uncovered by CNS News in 2018 shed light on an NIH contract with University of California San Francisco, which provides money for fetal body parts to conduct experiments involving “humanized mice.”’

According to the Daily Caller, he has gone as far to cancel a $2 million government contract with the left-leaning University of California, San Francisco and the National Institute of Health that uses this practice to research aborted fetal tissue. This story is covered comprehensively by “lifenews.com” additionally.

Politics Elections attempted to reach out to the University of Miami to ask if they still participate in fetal tissue research from aborted babies with no reply yet.

More recently, controversy regarding abortion legislation in Florida, makes it a little more interesting that this wasn’t highlighted by legislators front and center. Miami based Republican House Speaker Jose Oliva is based right outside the legislative district where the university is located.

Oliva spoke out against Republican state Rep Mike Hill last month, just days after Mike Hill announced he would re-introduce the Heartbeat Bill next session. Clearly, the attack on Mike Hill was push back for Hill’s avid pro-life positions.

Oliva took the time to apologize for some pro-life statements he made to appease the politically correct recently, when chastised for using the term “host body” in a statement he made in Tallahassee on January 30th, 2019 at a pre-legislative news conference.

He also mentions in a video that although he’s pro-life in theory, a “host body has to have a certain amount of rights” which implies that it may have more rights than the baby. He also says “I wish it would fit neatly into libertarian thinking but it doesn’t”.