In a letter written to the City-County Observer, Dr. Moss detailed the morning’s events, mentioning that he spoke of actions taken by Congress negatively affect the people of the 8th District, such as current negotiations in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, and the notorious spending bill, which Congressman Bucshon voted in favor of, that will increase the national deficit by trillions of dollars. While speaking, Dr. Moss was interrupted by Bucshon, accusing him of lying, and claiming ‘someone has to call you out when you lie.’
Despite the heckling, Dr. Moss continued to speak, detailing Congressman Bucshon’s voting record and his mere 52% conservative rating (the average Republican Congressman’s rating is 68%) from Heritage-Action, a conservative think tank. According to Dr. Moss, as he finished his speech and began walking away from the podium, Congressman Bucshon arose from his seat, began walking towards him, and angrily shouted ‘come here!’ at his opponent. ‘As if I were a subordinate,’ says Dr. Moss. ‘He then got in my face, inches away from me, and began poking his finger into my chest, red-faced and angry. He threatened to defame me and stain my character and reputation over domestic abuse allegations from 25 years ago, the same story that was published 2 years ago in the last election two weeks before the primary.
Dr. Moss’ story has been corroborated by a number of eyewitnesses, including a prominent local Republican who has spoken on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution, who says; ‘Dr. Richard Moss was heckled by Congressman Larry Bucshon during a speech Moss gave at the Vanderburgh County Republican Party breakfast. Congressman Bucshon angrily confronted Moss and made physical contact that likely rose to the level of battery. The interaction was broken up by attendees, Moss did not return physical contact and did not instigate the encounter.’
Word of the altercation has spread locally, prompting David Christmas, a candidate for County Council who witnessed the altercation, to release a statement through the Vanderburgh County Independent Press, a local media outlet. ‘I could not hear precisely (what was said during the altercation), but the Congressman’s demeanor was seemed threatening towards candidate Moss for sure,’ wrote Christmas. ‘I was the first to intervene by passing my arm between them in the hopes that no physical contact would occur.’
Video of the speech that was given prior to the altercation is below.
Pictures of the altercation are below.