On May 1, 2018, Congressman Scott Taylor did indeed hold events on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
The date and times indicate that he would have been available to hold the event he canceled with the Accomack Republican Party Unit, but, as speculated in part I, he chose once again to remain unaffiliated with the official Republican Units of both Northampton and Accomack County. As per a post by the Chairman of the Northampton Republican Party Unit in the official Facebook Group for that Unit, Scott Taylor stopped in multiple towns in Northampton County without any advance notice.
Comments in the posts on Scott Taylor’s verified page were alluding to people who could not make any of the meetings because they didn’t know about it or did not have time to get to the locations.
A photo was posted from the stop that he made in Accomack County showing a small handful of people being talked to. The official head count was 16, although many of the 16 appear to have not made it into the photo, or perhaps waitstaff was counted?
The bottom line here is that Congressman Scott Taylor canceled a pre-planned pre-scheduled event put together in conjunction with the Official local Republicans parties, only for him to then reschedule his own events instead, the same day, and in the same time window, with less than 24 hours notice. This begs the question of whether or not he actually had a conflicting family commitment as was indicated when the original event was canceled.
Here is the official post, less than a day before the events.
One more development of note, an event the same day in Virginia Beach at 5:30. Why didn’t he just reschedule the Accomack meet and greet at 5:30 and do Virginia Beach, which is his hometown a different day?
These developments highlight the aforementioned issue that he does not want to be affiliated with the official Party, and doesn’t really care about the little guy, as most people who work would not have had time to make alternate arrangements to be able to come. There is still doubt as to whether or not he will indeed reschedule an official GOP affiliated meet and greet, but it would seem redundant for a busy man such as himself to come out here twice in such a short period of time.
I do not believe that his time spent on the Eastern Shore region today was very effective, but rather a selfish attempt to pretend to care about an area the he may feel is already leaning towards voting for his primary opponent, The honorable Mary Jones. Mary has been very accessible and held her own meet and greet in the adjacent Virgnia Beach to a packed house of over 60+ people this past Sunday, headlined by the famous movie director Ron Maxwell. At that event Ron Maxwell had a direct message for Congressman Scott Taylor. “Scott Taylor, amnesty, by any other name is still amnesty”