Historical Monuments

Conservative Group Blasts Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Speaker Dennis Bonnen Over Failure to Pass Monument Protections

Christopher Ekstrom and the Conservative Response Team have been fighting for our history down in the state of Texas, where one might not think such a fight would be necessary. They have been relentless in their efforts to hold people such as Governor Abbott accountable. Recently they have asked that the “Historical Protection Act“, a bill currently being floated in Texas legislation, be passed promptly. 

A recent poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Texans are vehemently in support of preserving U.S. and Texas history. Perhaps Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and Speaker Dennis Bonnen could take notes from the recent success made in Georgia, as a monuments protection bill just passed through the state legislature there.

Politics Elections received this press release from Conservative Response Team:

March 31, 2019

New TV Ad Campaign: Act Now to Save Texas History
Conservative Response Team Demands Movement on Monuments Bill

Dallas, Texas – A new Conservative Response Team TV ad campaign is urging Texans to call House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, to demand passage of the Historical Protection Act.

“They need to act now,” the TV ad says. “A law to stop leftist cities from destroying monuments, renaming schools and airbrushing our past is stuck in committee and requires action this week.”

Two versions of the TV ad will run this week on the Fox News Channel and online throughout Texas, in a mid-five-figure buy. One version focuses on House Speaker Bonnen; another tells viewers to call Lieutenant Governor Patrick.

In addition to the TV ad campaign, tens of thousands of robocalls will be going out, urging voters to call Representative John Cyrier and Senator Brian Birdwell, both committee chairmen, demanding swift movement on the bill.

“Texans need to remember that we don’t have annual legislative sessions,” Conservative Response Team Chairman Christopher Ekstrom said today. “It’s now or never. If lawmakers fail to act, we’re going to see a tidal wave of historical vandalism over the next two years — monuments destroyed, schools renamed and even graveyards disturbed. How will state leaders explain themselves to voters who elected them to protect our history?”

Click here to watch the ad or see below:

Lt. Gov Dan Patrick Needs to Hear from YOU NOW!

They call them the Big Three. The Men who run Texas. The House Speaker. The Lieutenant Governor who runs the Senate. And the Governor who signs the bills. They need to act now. A law to stop leftist cities from destroying monuments, renaming schools and airbrushing our past is stuck in committee and requires action this week. Call Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. Tell him it’s time to be the conservative he campaigned to be.

Posted by Conservative Response Team on Sunday, March 31, 2019

CRT Ad: “It’s Here”

Voiceover Transcript:

“They call them the Big Three. The Men who run Texas. The House Speaker. The Lieutenant Governor who runs the Senate. And the Governor who signs the bills. They need to act now. A law to stop leftist cities from destroying monuments, renaming schools and airbrushing our past is stuck in committee and requires action this week. Call Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. Tell him it’s time to be the conservative he campaigned to be.”

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