Sandy Intends To Replace Anti-Wall & Gun Grabber, Thom Tillis
Introducing Sandy Smith. A breath of fresh air in a swamp full of National Republicans weak on the populist Trump movement and putting America first.
“After traveling around this great state and meeting so many wonderful North Carolinans, one thing is very clear. North Carolina deserves better. We need a true conservative leader who isn’t afraid to stand up to the left and fight for our conservative values. I am not politically correct and that’s OK” (See the video after press release).
Politics Elections received the following press release:
March 13th, 2019
Pro-Trump Republican Sandy Smith Announces Senatorial Run to Replace Anti-Wall & Gun Grabber, Thom Tillis
Winterville, NC – Sandy Smith, a pro-Trump conservative businesswoman who comes from a military family, announces her run for United States Senate in the state of North Carolina. Thom Tillis is the sitting senator who has a rapidly declining approval rating and recently stated his opposition to President Trump’s efforts to build the border wall.
A full text of her statement is below:
“I’m Sandy Smith and I am a conservative Republican running for the United States Senate in the great state of North Carolina.
I’ve been asked by many of my friends, family, and neighbors to step up and serve this great nation by running for the United States Senate.
North Carolinians feel as though Thom Tillis has lost his mind and jumped head first into the swamp. We are a conservative pro-Trump state, yet Senator Tillis acts as if this were a purple state like Virginia or Iowa. It is time he stepped down and let a real conservative represent North Carolina.
I cannot sit back any longer and let the Democrat socialists destroy America. In the old days, Democrats used to pretend to be moderate and to care about the ideals we hold so dear. NOW, they are full-blown-out-in-the-open Marxists who literally want to grow government, destroy individual liberty, and tax and regulate us to death. They openly push for infanticide – where an innocent baby will be executed after a botched abortion.
President Trump is fighting as best he can. And some good senators and congressmen are, too. But the conservative fighters in both houses of Congress are clearly in the minority. And conservative women are virtually non-existent. There are plenty of radical liberal women – Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Talib, and Ilhan Omar to name some of the more vocal ones. It used to be that Nancy Pelosi was the worst of the worst. But she is NOTHING compared to some of these liberal women.
We need to stand up for religious liberty, to include the 10 Commandments, praying in public and reading more of the Bible, not less. We need to secure our border and not allow our nation to be invaded by terrorists, criminals, and drug lords. President Trump is trying to build the wall, but members of our own party, along with the Democrats, are blocking it. When I get to the Senate I will take them both on, I’m not interested in ‘going along to get along’.
I am a proud concealed carry permit holder, I know what it is like to shoot a gun. I love and support the 2nd Amendment and will defend our gun rights with every fiber of my being. I’m running because the battle today is in DC.
As a successful businesswoman, I understand what it is like to make payroll and balance the books. I know what big government does to small businesses, and how it slows us down. I want to change that. We need to break the shackles of government so that our businesses can be free to thrive and grow.
Please help me in this fight. I am the only hardcore female conservative non-politician in this race. I am not politically correct, and that’s ok because I have no problem standing up to the status quo politicians and fighting for what we believe in.
I come from a military family – Between my father, my grandfather, my sister, my daughter and my husband’s family, we have served well over 75 years. I’m extremely proud to say my daughter is a United States Marine and has served overseas on the front lines of freedom. I know what it is like to have family members missing during the holidays and understand what our veterans need to be properly taken care of.
We need more conservative women in office who understand conservative principles and whose families have put their lives on the line upholding our great Constitution.
Again, I’m Sandy Smith. I ask for your support and vote. If you send me to Washington, watch out, because I will fight and stand up for what I believe in as I am going to fight for you.
Thank you and God bless.”
Sandy Smith, a pro-Trump conservative businesswoman comes from a military family is running to fill the void of conservative women in the United States Senate.
Some additional reasons for why one might draw a Republican primary challenger such as Senator Tillis has, can be found below.
Thom Tillis claimed he would not support President Trump’s National Emergency declaration back in February of this year, convincing many of his peers to vote no. But as a last minute surprise, he himself wasn’t willing to vote against President Trump after all, possibly due to fear of backlash from his constituents. Unfortunately for him, it was too late, as the message he wanted to portray had been sent. He, among others, decided it was OK to betray the American people on an important border security order.
Thom Tillis has apparently been soft on second amendment gun rights as well. As you can see here, he has co-sponsored a bipartisan bill called the Fix NICS bill that introduces even more gun control measures than what already exists! This does not sound like a very Republican stance, rather a pandering to the left wing which is not what the voters put him into the
If you look at the Conservative Review Scorecard, prominent and commonly used website to compare conservative voting records of Republican politicians, you can see that Senator Tillis has an F rating of 38%.
To summarize, Sandy Smith appears to be a candidate who will stand up for stronger conservative values than the status quo and make tough choices even when they aren’t popular with the establishment.