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Speculation Brews on Social Media, ‘Was Jeffrey Epstein Murdered’?

Speculation about Jeffrey Epstein and his apparent suicide that was reported on earlier this morning is running rampant on social media, especially Facebook and Twitter.

From an NBC News report that stated he may not have been on suicide watch as originally reported in the news, to tweets and posts from iconic personalities saying that he may have been murdered, this is one of the most bizarre news stories to hit the mainstream in a long time.

Steve Deace from The Blaze posted on Facebook:

Jeffrey Epstein, the worst sex offender/predator in American history, was found dead in his cell. They’re claiming he hung himself in his cell. Despite being under 24/7 surveillance in a maximum security federal prison, under suicide watch, and as the most prominent prisoner there. And this comes mere hours after the first documents from his indictment were unsealed, which included names like George Mitchell, Bill Richardson, and Prince Andrew among others.

I don’t buy it for a second, and neither should any of you.

That’s why they should #ReleaseTheVideo. And until we see the actual video of him hanging himself, the American people see it for ourselves, no one should believe this is what happened.

The generations that made America used to publicly watch hangings of fiends like Epstein all the time, and look how they turned out. We see far worse in movies, online videos, and television shows every day. So spare me the pearl clutching about sensitivity.

Besides, want to be rid of conspiracy theories? I can think of one way to make that happen:


If you agree, please share this with everyone you know here on Facebook.

SEE FACEBOOK POST BELOW: reported about some tweets from WaPo reporter Carol Leonnig who also reported the news today:

There’s going to be a thousand conspiracy theories for decades to come about what happened to Epstein.  Hours after he was found dead, theories are popping up faster than weeds in a garden after a spring rain.  Which “theories” have substance and which end up in the conspiracy theory bin will be sorted out over time.