
Charlottesville Mayor to City Council Candidate: White Men are Dangerous

Double standards abound in politics every day, but in what can only be described as an egregious overstepping of racial boundaries, Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker lambasted a city council candidate yesterday by saying, “white men like you always have been dangerous.”


Linked Screenshot to a Facebook post by “Nikuyah J Walker”

The city council candidate that stands accused of being dangerous is Lloyd Snook, a former chair of the Charlottesville Democratic Party who has also served on the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Virginia.


Linked screenshot to Facebook page for “Lloyd Snook for City Council”

Snook has the ‘big money lead’ in the race for city council, which will see 3 new councilmembers elected after a primary of 5 Democrats on June 11th.

After some local social media backlash from the original post, Mayor Walker shared a post this morning that accuses white people of inventing racism.


Linked screenshot to a Facebook post by “Mary Ann Canty Merrill” shared by “Nikuyah J Walker”

Mayor Walker has appeared in national news quite a few times in the past, including one year after the August 2017 rallies, where she was featured in a CBS News article.  The headline for that article reads, ‘Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker says city still healing one year after violence’.  She also mentions healing in her post directed towards Mr. Snook before she accuses him of being dangerous, “We have this brief opportunity to work on healing this city and here you come with your #45 spin (make America great again/ make the government work again) to work from the inside to railroad any potential progress”.  It is unclear how any of this helps. Walker also appeared on “The View” to discuss various topics of controversy as well.


She ran for mayor on an independent platform centered around ‘transparency, equity, and inclusion’ as she was endorsed by her local chapter of the ‘Democratic Socialists of America’.  The DSA endorsed candidates like Bernie Sanders for president, as well as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib for Congress.


Charlottesville, Virginia is no stranger to political and racial controversy embroiled within the city council members and beyond. The disastrous “Unite the Right” rally which many people agree was a counterproductive disgrace for both protesters, counter-protesters and government officials alike, may have been made even worse by a stand down order issued by the Charlottesville Chief of Police. To make matters worse, the violence conducted by the militant leftists which caused an escalation of an already heated situation was not condemned along with the condemnation of ‘white supremacists’.

Much speculation is that a lot of the increased tensions were the fault of former Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy, who currently serves on the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority Board and the Charlottesville Police Citizens Advisory Panel. He has also served on the Charlottesville Housing Advisory Committee. Bellamy recently made new headlines for racial tension that may have caused a shift in now presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign announcement weeks ago.