United States

‘Drag Queen Storytime’ Performer has Controversial Pictures with Children Removed From Internet

As reported by LifeSite News, St. John’s Library, of Multnomah County, Oregon’s public library system, published photographs depicting a man named Anthony Hudson dressed as a woman and sprawled out on the library floor as children laid across his belly and artificial breasts.

Originally posted to the library’s Flickr page, the photographs were subsequently removed, but not before being saved and brought to the attention of a disgusted public. 


Hudson, who was invited to the library to participate in ‘Drag Queen Storytime’, an event targeting children aged 2-6 years old, claims his true identity is that of ‘Carla Rossi’ while his male body is merely a ‘human avatar’ currently occupied by Rossi’s spirit.

According to the library’s webpage, the ‘special storytime’ was held a total of six times between September 8th and October 23rd of last year, and in addition to Hudson, featured the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’, an extremely anti-Catholic drag group known for their sexualized ‘parodies’ of Catholocism.


When pressed, a spokesman for the library played the ‘diversity’ card, suggesting that drag queen storytime is a much-needed service in Portland. ‘Multnomah County Library offers a series of programs called drag queen storytime’ said Jeremy Graybill. ‘These events seek to explore ideas of difference, diversity, and inclusion…We strive to reflect our community’s needs’.

Of course, Graybill didn’t specify exactly who in the community has had their ‘needs’ met through drag queen storytime, but one can surmise it hasn’t been the children. Although Graybill says the library hears the complaints of citizens, it would appear they don’t exactly care. According to the library’s website, Hudson will return this September to host a ‘teen drag workshop’ at the library, once again gaining access to children as he ‘attempts to chart the vast abyss of drag and its potential, addressing how drag’s many varieties, flavors, and houses correspond to the unchartable spectrum of genders and sexuality.’

Portland isn’t the first city to generate outrage over the sexualization of children in recent months. Due to widespread left-wing subversion, two convicted pedophiles were able to gain access to young children through the Houston Public Library. Alberto Garza, who also refers to himself as ‘Tatiana Mala Nina’, was convicted of molesting an 8-year-old boy in 2008. Despite his being a registered sex offender, Garza was featured in last October’s ‘drag queen story hour’, where he was recorded inviting children to sit on his lap.

Houston Public Library also played host to William Travis Dees, a transgender prostitute, porn actor, and ‘high-risk sex offender’ convicted in 2004 of molesting four children between the ages of 4 and 8 years old. Left-leaning cities nationwide have joined in hosting drag events aimed at very young children, and outlets like NBC and The Huffington Post have even endorsed it. Exposing sexuality to children it would seem has become almost acceptable, and to some on the left, even trendy. You can also read about instances in Delaware, OH, and Austin, TX here.