Politics Elections

Touchy Joe at it Again, Calls 10-Year-Old Girl “Good Looking”

Well, it looks like ‘sleepy’, or ‘creepy’ Joe Biden is at it again. After narrowly “avoiding” what could have been a much larger scandal involving years of “touchy” allegations related to sexually inappropriate advances, Joe has had a slip-up, now during his third time running for President of the United States.

During a campaign event in Texas, a state that prominent Democrats such as Hillary Clinton have been spending a good bit of energy on lately, Biden walked up to a 10 year old girl and told her that he thinks she’s “as bright as she is good looking” as he walks up behind her and appears to wrap his body around her and massage her shoulders.


The event was held at an “American Federation of Teachers” town hall in Houston Tuesday. After the 10-year-old girl named Bibi nervously asked a pre-planned question, according to the Washington Examiner, this is how it went down:

“You are very good. How old are you?” He then told her that “When I was your age, kiddo, at 10 years old, I stuttered so badly I could hardly talk.” After talking about how his stutter was “incredibly debilitating,” he recommended people watch “The King’s Speech” and hailing the girl’s courage. He then gave a nearly four-minute answer about why he was running for president, white nationalism, and immigration.

He then turned to the girl and said: “I’ll tell you what, honey. What I’m going to do, if you give me an address, I’m going to write you a longer answer and tell you the exact things I would do, OK? OK? Promise? I’ll bet you’re as bright as you’re good-looking. I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you what. What’s your favorite subject?”

When her teacher said “journalism,” he joked: “Oh! Whoa! I’d better be more circumspect in my answers.” Taking the girl by the hand, he took her to the back of the hall and indicated the reporters: “Washington Post, New York Times, all those guys. You go back.” He stood behind the girl, keeping his hands on her shoulders as he spoke: “By the way, that’s one of the things that’s dangerous. They’ll tell you, I’m not always their favorite subject but the truth of the matter is the reason we are who we is called a free press, continue to denigrate…”

After Biden returned to the front, the announcer told the girl: “You’re going to get an internship from the Washington Post, the New York Times, MSNBC.” Biden interjected, “If that doesn’t work, come work for me.”

This certainly isn’t great optics for the current front runner of the declared Democrat candidates running for the 2020 presidential election. Joe recently had a botched and bumbled campaign kickoff, after announcing his official candidacy long after most of the other nominees did. Not long after that, news broke that Joe’s son Hunter Biden may have been involved in some shady business dealings in the Ukraine that could link back to Joe Biden, and the end result of what’s to come from that story is yet to be determined.

Despite all this, Biden appears to be holding steady in the top spot for Democrat presidential contenders. It’s hard to say if it’s because of his name recognition from being former President Barack Obama’s Vice President, or if the field of Democrats besides him is just that weak.

All this should bode well for President Donald Trump going into the 2020 elections, as he has many issues to hit Biden on, including a detrimental 1994 crime bill that Biden’s fingerprints are on. President Trump also has record employment numbers, a good approval rating and strong support from his core base as the campaign season start to heat up.

Only time can tell if “old sleepy creepy Joe” will stay at the top of the pack and be the person to beat. If he wants to remain there, it may be in his best interests to keep those wandering hands to himself.

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